Dear Family,
I loved the pictures you sent! It made me so happy to see little A! He's getting so big, and he's got these beautiful blue eyes just like is parents. I just love him! I'm also glad Kreigh got an ICarly blanket, its good to see that some things don't change much :). You'll have to let me know how Kris' job goes! Hopefully it won't be too hard to be working again. I can't believe there is snow in St George! That is just crazysauce. I love seeing pictures of the pool too... all the Elders I serve around have this idea that they want to have their receptions in our backyard (I think mostly because they just want to have a pool party afterwards like Kreigh and Kris had).
This week has been really good. We've really buckled down this week and tried to find some new investigators. Lots and lots of tracting. Not always the most enjoyable, especially in the freezing cold, but when I really look at all the big picture of my mission and see the progress that I HAVE made its pretty neat. I'm not really afraid to talk to people anymore. I know that the promise in D&C is real, that when you open your mouth it WILL be filled. Sister Christensen and I joke around that sometimes its not always filled with the most intelligent things, but it is filled nevertheless :). Sister Christensen and I work pretty well together. We work well because she's really good at teaching people who are somewhat intelligent and I am really good at teaching really needy crazy people. The great thing is that Henrietta has both. Transfers are coming up soon and I feel as if the time I have left in Henrietta is growing short...
We had lots of adventures this week. One of them was moving one of our investigators. A.'s Mom, T. (for reals- that is her name), was getting evicted. So T. is moving back in with her Mom. We got the mission truck and trailer and a couple of Elders and went to help her get all of her stuff out of the house. The only problem was that once we were done there was no where to take the stuff. Takila was going to store it in a friend's attic but she had no idea where that friend lived. So we waited, and waited, and waited.... T. tried calling her friend a million times with no success. So we were just sitting there. Wasting a whole bunch of valuable time. The only information we had about the place we were taking her stuff to was which intersection it was in and the person's name (which was B.). We finally couldn't take it anymore and Sister Christensen and I drove out to where the intersection and started knocking doors. When people would answer we would ask them if they knew a B., and if they didn't we would invite them! So we were literally RUNNING from door to door to door. All the while the Elders were just sitting in the truck (because they were not in proselyting clothes- they were in their jeans because they did service), following us to make sure it was safe, and clapping and cheering as we would move to the next house. We had little cheerleaders to back us up! Made tracting a lot more fun. Sadly enough, we never found B. So we ended up storing all of T.'s stuff at the Mission home... kinda a disaster, but it made a great story!
Sorry there is not more to report. I'm learning so much every day. I feel like this transfer I've learned a lot about who I am as a person which I think is one great thing that missionaries get blessed with. I hope that you all have a wonderful week! I think of you all often, and love the letters, pictures, emails, prayers that all of you send. My closing thought is one that I love from President Hinckely about sacrifice: "You will come to know that what appears today to be a sacrifice will prove instead to be the greatest investment you will ever make."
I love you all!
Love always, Sister Carter