Mandy Mission

"And this is the account of Sister Amanda Carter and her brethren, their journeyings in the land of Western New York, their sufferings in the land, their sorrows, and their afflictions, and their incomprehensible joy..." (Alma 28:8)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween!-November 1, 2010

Dear Family,

Happy Halloween everyone! It is so weird that it was Halloween yesterday, and IT SNOWED HERE! Can you believe that!? It snowed! It was just a little snow but I couldn't believe it! They're predicting a long winter this year... yay... not. The rest of the day was good though. As a missionary there isn't much you do for that Holiday. We did get to go to our Ward Halloween Party which was the best! The ward is so great and we had such a fun time playing games and all the kids got to go Trunk-or-Treating outside (we were also able to get a few treats as we went along :)). Who knew that the excitement of my week would be ward parties... when I didn't even like them when I was at home! Funny, funny world. The other neat thing was that Susan Tanner (the old General YW President) was at the party with her husband. I guess her daughter is in our ward... who knew? She's a super nice lady and it was really great to get to talk to her for a little while.

Not much happened this week. There are some weeks when we're SUPER busy and then others where there is not much to report on. There were three baptisms in our ward this week. The Elders were teaching a Mom and her two little girls who's names are Nigeria and Zizeria (yes Mom and Dad, there are names that are worse then Atreyu). We did it on Saturday morning and they didn't want very many people there so there was just a handful in attendance. When we started the meeting and they went to do the first baptism they realized two things: #1- The water was FREZZING and #2- It had begun to drain after they turned the water off so when the first Elder went in to baptize Zizeria the water barley went up to his knees. So they decided that they would go on with the rest of the service (the talks) while Sister Stone and I ran back and forth from the kitchen carrying huge buckets of warm water and throwing it in. It made it sound like there was a water park going on in the font! Although the water was still pretty cold all three of them were able to get baptized and it was a beautiful thing to watch.

Our investigator is doing well. He wasn't able to get baptized this week because his ex-girlfriend is still living with him. President Christianson actually wants to meet with him sometime this week, so we're hoping that will give him enough motivation to start making the changes he needs to. He's going to be a KINGDOM-BUILDER, no doubt about that. Other than that all of our investigators have dropped us... super sad. Its hard to be on transfer three and nothing to show for the labor we have put in. We found out last night that Sister Stone and I are going to be together in Henrietta again this transfer. We're both really happy about that. They're turning the church sites over to the Senior missionary couples for the winter so almost all the Sisters are going full-proselyting now. We're grateful to be able to be in such a great area for the change. There really is so much potential for the place that we're in and we keep praying to be able to see the vision the Lord has for it. There are lots of doors that need to be knocked :)

I love seeing pictures of cute little Atreyu. That makes me nervous that he is so tiny. Hopefully the formula will help him gain a little weight. I'm so excited to get to meet him! I can't believe he'll be 14 months old when I come home! Thats a long time. Could send me a new camera card soon, mine is all full of wonderful pictures and videos for you all to enjoy. We made the Elders make a music video last week to a corny cheesey old 80s church song, that Mom and Dad might recognize. In a way it is totally pay back for the prank. HEHEHEHE (evil laugh).

Well I love all of you and pray for you every day. Every time I listen to the CD you made me I cry. I'm so grateful to have you all forever. My thought today is this: "It is never too late to be what you might have been." -George Eliot. Have a good week!

Love always, Sister Carter