Mandy Mission

"And this is the account of Sister Amanda Carter and her brethren, their journeyings in the land of Western New York, their sufferings in the land, their sorrows, and their afflictions, and their incomprehensible joy..." (Alma 28:8)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Baptismal Commitment-September 27, 2010

Dear Family,

I always look forward to this time when I get to read emails from home. I can't believe it is still 103 degrees there! Its definietly turning into Fall here. You can hardly go outside without a jacket now... bummer.

Well this week was the week that I decided a mission is an emotional rollercoaster. You have extremely amazing highs and devastating lows. There was one day in particular where I saw Satan and the Lord's power... the best part about it is that the Lord's power is always the greatest. We got a call one morning, from our District leader, about our previous investigator, (who had a baptismal date in October, then he moved into the Pittsberg mission). Our District leader was told that his girlfriend was excommunicated from the church and that the missionaries are no longer allowed to go over there and teach him. What heartbreaking news! Sister Stone and I were completely devastated. While we were still on the phone with our District leader he promised us that that day, if we had the faith, we were going to find a "golden" investigator who would be baptized this transfer. So we decided to put our faith in that promise and press forward with a steadfastness in Christ. Later that night we went over to a member's house who has her granddaughter living with her. Her granddaughter is nine and such a sweet little girl. We taught her a lesson and at the end of the lesson we asked her if she wanted to be baptized and she said that she did!! She is so excited!! Her baptismal date is set for October 17th. YAY! Wow... I still can't even believe it. What an amazing blessing! The phrase "Faith precedes the miracle" keeps popping in my head. I can't even begin to explain the tender mercies that the Lord shows us everyday. I'm so blessed.

Well I don't have my scriptures with me today so I'm just going to leave you with my testimony. I know that this is God' work. I know that His hand guides us along every step of our path. I know that without the Savior we would have no reason for being. He brings us the hope of Salavation, and that through Him we will be able to see the Father of all of us, again. I know that Joseph Smith is a prophet. I was able to go to the sites again this week with our investigator Michelle, and what another amazing experience. He really did see what he said he saw, he really was called of God to bring this work forward again. I'm so indebted to the service he rendered on our behalf. I also know that President Monson is the mouthpiece of God today. I get the chills every time he begins to speak. He was called to share with us what we have to know and obey today to be happy. I love this Gospel. It makes everything that happens in life worth it.

I love you, my family. I was telling my companion about our cruise together yesterday and the wonderful things that we have always done together. Made me so happy for the memories that we have and the future that is to come. I hope your week goes well.

Love always, Sister Carter