Dear Family,
I'm so glad that Spring is starting to move in fast at home. I absolutely love April time in St George. It is my favorite time of year, with all the lightening storms. There are no lightening storms here, just clouds. Lots of clouds. Today is a beautiful day though! I will always appreciate blue skies now. I don't even care if the temperature is in the negatives, as long as it looks beautiful outside my soul is fooled :). So round two of treatments this week? Can't say that makes me happy at all but I guess, looking on the bright side of things, I'm excited for it all to be over! Its weird to think about home now because it is so different then when I left it... Kyle is gone, there is a new little baby, Mom is sick. Life moves along quickly. As I'm reaching my half-way point on my mission I'm having that realization. I wish I could do more to help everyone at home. I am always thinking about each one of you and praying frequently for you.
This week has been a slower one. Sister Gines has strep throat, which puts a little bit of a halt on missionary work. I hope that she starts feeling better soon, its no fun to be sick. We had a Leadership Training this week, with President Christianson, in Fayette on the Peter Whitmer Farm. It was good to see President Christianson up and moving. He had a heart attack a couple weeks ago and has been in the hospital for the last little while. Poor President, we cause him a lot of stress :). It was such a neat place to have training. He specifically trained us over the 20 revelations, from Doctrine and Covenants, that were given to Joseph Smith at the Whitmer Farm which was really cool. Another neat thing, we took a tour through the Whitmer home and talked about how the church was organized in that room, April 6, 1830. That there were around 50-70 people in attendance and now... there are 14 million members of the church. All of us missionaries then recited the "Standard of Truth" together:
"The Standard of Truth has been erected; no unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing; persecutions may rage, mobs may combine, armies may assemble, calumny may defame, but the Truth of God will go forth boldly, nobly, and independent, till it has penetrated every continent, visited every clime, swept every country, and sounded in every ear, till the purposes of God shall be accomplised, and the Great Jehovah shall say the work is done."
All of us, as members of His church, are living examples of that prophesy coming to pass. God will win this war, we've picked a good side to fight for :).
On Saturday, March 26, it was the anniversary of the Book of Mormon being put on sale 181 years ago. So we had a huge Open House in the E.B. Grandin Bookstore where all the older Senior Couples dressed up like people from the past (ex. Joseph Smith, Martin Harris, E.B. Grandin, Emma Smith, Moroni, etc...) and acted out some of the stories that happened in that building. It was SO much fun! They asked me to be a guide so I was able to take groups through each one of the stations and watch the presentation that the Senior Couples had. There was such a great turnout and all the Senior couples remembered their lines... it was great! I was told that next time I should be a guide over the cookie station because by the end of the night, after having sampled most of them, I was giving people a good description of which cookies were good and which were not :). I LOVE MY MISSION!
Well family, I love you all. I'm so excited for General Conference this week, it really is like Christmas for us missionaries. I'm also excited to know that we will all be doing the same thing at the same time. The gospel really does unite families. I love you, have an amazing week!
Love always, Sister Carter